Staking (Closed)
Go on to the 'Staking' tab on Dexlab platform.
Click the 'Participate in staking' button and check the new browser tab.
Connect your wallet.
Click 'DXL Stake Season 1.'
Click 'Deposit' to deposit your DXL amount from your Solana wallet.
First, click your staking wallet address from the drop-down menu.
Then, type down the amount of DXL that you want to deposit in this staking wallet.
Go on to the 'STAKE' tab to stake your DXL.
1 pool token is equal to 100 DXL. Therefore, 100 DXL equals 1 pool token here.
Enter the number of pool tokens that you want to stake and click ‘STAKE DXL.’
Click 'Approve' on the pop-up window.
Go on to 'Reward Harvest' if you want to know how to harvest your staking reward 👉🏻
Last updated