Instantiate (Minting)
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In order to create a CW20 token, a CW20 contract must be instantiated.
Name: the full name of your token.
Symbol (Ticker): the shortening of your CW20 token name.
Decimals: denote how much divisible your token is. If your token has 6 decimals, it means addresses can have as little as 0.000001 of your token.
Initial Balance: To avoid creating a token with no quantity in the blockchain, you need to specify the wallet address and quantity for the tokens to be issued. If you're issuing a token for personal use, just enter your Keplr wallet address and the maximum issued quantity (Like the above image). Or, you can divide the maximum issued quantity for the team and investor, according to the tokenomics, and enter the wallet address and allocation quantity for each. Click the '+' icon to add more wallet addresses.
Minter Address: the address that has access to mint new tokens. In this case, I wrote my Keplr wallet address.
Cap: the maximum amount of tokens that you want to issue.
Project: the name shown on the marketing details.
Description: where you can store detailed project information about your token.
Wallet Address: will be shown as the marketing address of your token.
Logo URL: any URL that contains an image, your token will have that URL information for marketing and branding purposes.
Click the 'Instantiate Contract' button and check the pop-up wallet window to proceed.
You may see the notice on the website above if the instantiate went successfully.
Click 'Add Token' on your Keplr wallet.
Type down your CW20 token contract address and click 'Submit.' How to Get My CW20 Token Contract Address
You can see your token added to Keplr wallet now.