Manage Token (Burn, Mint, Revoke Freeze, Revoke Mint)
Last updated
Last updated
📌 Before Updating your token, connect your Solana wallet.
Open Token Hub (
Click "Connect Wallet".
A pop-up will appear—select your preferred wallet. (e.g, Phantom, Solflare ...)
Approve the connection request.
Your wallet will be used to approve transactions and manage your token.
📌 Find the token you want to update.
Search for the token you want to update.
Tokens with a tool icon 🔧 indicate they are manageable and can be updated.
Click on the token that you want to modify.
When you click on the token in the previous step, you will see the menu at the top.
Switch to the Manage tab at the top.
Then, you will see various management options, including Mint Tokens, Revoke Freeze, and Revoke Mint.
These allow you to update token details, issue new tokens, or manage token authority settings as needed.
Burn Token is not supported in the latest version. Please use the previous version to access this feature.
🟢 Click the "Mint" button in the Manage menu (highlighted in the green box).
Enter the wallet address to receive the newly minted token
Enter the amount of tokens you want to mint.
The Current Total Supply shows the total number of tokens already issued.
Once details are entered, click the "Issue Tokens Now" button.
After transaction approval, the new tokens will be added to the specified wallet.
🟣 Click the "Update Mint Authority" button in the Manage menu (highlighted in the Purple box).
Enter New Authority – Input the wallet address that will receive the mint authority.
Remove Mint Authority – Check this box if you want to permanently disable minting.
Confirm & Update – Click "Update Authority" to finalize the changes.
🟠 Click the "Update Metadata Authority" button in the Manage menu (highlighted in the Orange Box).
Allows you to transfer or revoke the authority to modify the token's metadata.
🔵 Freeze/Thaw Account & Update Freeze Authority (Blue Box)
Freeze/Thaw Account – Restrict or restore a wallet’s ability to transact.
Update Freeze Authority – Transfer or revoke control over the Freeze function.
💡 Important: To use these features, Freeze Authority must be set to ON when creating the token. If OFF, all wallets can transfer the token freely, and you won't be able to enable or update the Freeze function later. 🚀
You can access the management screen directly by entering the Token Address (Mint).
Upon connecting your wallet, all tokens you own will be displayed, and you can enter by selecting a token from the list.
Go on to the 'BURN' tab
Type down the desired burning amount
Wait for approval on the wallet
Go on to the 'ADD TOKEN' tab
Type down the desired add amount
Wait for approval on the wallet
Go on to the 'FIXED SUPPLY' tab
It is giving up the management rights for tokensIt is used for fixing the token supply so adding the token should be done before fixing the token supply.
If you want the change the authority of this minted token, you need to change it before fixing the supply.
After fixing the supply, you only can burn or update the metadata of the token.
Enter the wallet address you want to transfer mint authority
Type twice
After this step, you cannot add or fix the supply of the token. Only burning is available.
It is difficult to change permissions with a wallet with the same mnemonic word.
If the Freeze Authority option is enabled, you will see the "DISABLE FREEZE" tab in the Admin menu.
You can disable it permanently via Disable Freeze Authority.