3️⃣Manage Token (Burn, Mint, Revoke Freeze, Revoke Mint)

Where can I find token management?

URL: https://www.dexlab.space/mintinglab/spl-token

  • You can access the management screen directly by entering the Token Address (Mint).

  • Upon connecting your wallet, all tokens you own will be displayed, and you can enter by selecting a token from the list.

Burn Token

  • Go on to the 'BURN' tab

  • Type down the desired burning amount

  • Wait for approval on the wallet

Add Token

  • Go on to the 'ADD TOKEN' tab

  • Type down the desired add amount

  • Wait for approval on the wallet

Fix Supply

  • Go on to the 'FIXED SUPPLY' tab

Fixed Supply?

It is giving up the management rights for tokensIt is used for fixing the token supply so adding the token should be done before fixing the token supply.

If you want the change the authority of this minted token, you need to change it before fixing the supply.

After fixing the supply, you only can burn or update the metadata of the token.

Change Authority

  • Go to the 'CHANGE MINT AUTHORITY' tab

  • Enter the wallet address you want to transfer mint authority

  • Type twice

  • After this step, you cannot add or fix the supply of the token. Only burning is available.

  • It is difficult to change permissions with a wallet with the same mnemonic word.

Revoke Freeze Authority

  • If the Freeze Authority option is enabled, you will see the "DISABLE FREEZE" tab in the Admin menu.

  • You can disable it permanently via Disable Freeze Authority.

Last updated