API Key Issuance Guide
Issuing an API key increases the default RPS (Requests Per Second) limit. When requesting an API key, please provide your estimated call volume, and we will determine an appropriate rate limit accordingly.
However, in general cases, the API provides sufficient speed and limits (10 RPS) even without an API key.
Please submit the form via Dexlab API Key Request
Provide details about your intended use and expected request limits.
After review, we will issue the API key to the requested email as soon as possible.
For the Pro API, the x-api-key header must always be included in every request.
Open API:
There is a rate limit of 10 RPS. If you need more, get a free API key.
Pro API( API key required ):
The rate limit is increased and free.
your api key
The Pro API functions the same as the standard API, except for differences in the header and endpoint.
Last updated