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Q: What is the difference between the Dexlab pool and others?
A: Firstly, every AMM has a different structure. Some AMMs (including Dexlab) do not use orderbook so do not require a market ID. On the other hand, in the case of Radium, a market ID is required because it is an order book-based MM.
Q: Why there is a difference in transaction fees even though it is the same transaction?
A: Transaction size varies slightly depending on option selection when issuing tokens. You can think of the larger the amount of tokens as the higher the fee.
Q: Why token distribution function transaction fee is high?
A: That function allows token transfer to be performed at once. Therefore, if the transaction is distributed to 4 wallets, the fee is high because the 4 transfer fees are shown combined.
Q: How to burn LP?
A: Minted token burning and LP token burning are the same thing. The side effects of LP burning may vary for each pool, so it is not recommended to burn it in at anytime. Check out the tutorial before using Burn. Check out the tutorial before using burn.
Q: Why I cannot use the Mint function?
A: If the token mint authority is disable, add cannot be done.
Q: Why I cannot change authority?
Q: Why I cannot update metadata?
Q: What is freeze authority?
Q: What happens when I fix the supply?
Q: Where can I see if a token has been minted in Token Factory?
Q: How do I create Token 2022?
Q: How much is Token Factory fee?
There is a benefit when the condition is met for a total of 10 SOL, including 0.15 SOL. Check out the Dexlab grant program.
Q: How do I revoke authority?
Q. How does the Dexlab Pool LP lock work?
Q: How do I determine the mim order size and prize tick?
Q: What is the difference between advanced options in creating market ID? Why the fee is different?
Q: What are base tokens and quote tokens?
Q: What is the quote token mint address?
USDC: EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v
Wrapped SOL: So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112
Q: What is the recommended value for minimum order size and price tick?
A: If you fixed the supply already, changing authority cannot be done.
A: If the mutable is disabled, the token Metadata cannot be updated anymore.
A: Freeze authority means abandoning the token management. Add and burn cannot be done if you freeze the authority.
A: It is giving up the management rights for tokens. So adding supply or changing the authority should be done before fixing supply. After fixing the supply, you only can burn or update the metadata of the token.
A: Go to the Solscan, and search with the token mint addresses. Press the 'Metadata' tab. Then press 'View URI Metadata.' If it is minted through Dexlab Token Factory, you may see "name": string "DEXLAB MINTING LAB" on it.
A: Token Factory supports both the SPL token and Token 2022 generation. Please check the tutorial
A: 0.02 ~ 0.15 $SOL is required for token issuance and util. Creating an Openbook market ID requires a minimum of 3 $SOL. However, when creating a pool in Dexlab, there is no need to create a market ID, and when creating a pool in Raydium, creating an openbook market ID is required.
A: Use 'Fixing the supply.' It is giving up the management rights for tokens. So adding supply or changing the authority should be done before fixing supply. After fixing the supply, you only can burn or update the metadata of the token.
A: ‘LP lock’ permanently locks the LP token created on the Pool supply. It is sending LP tokens to the PDA under the Pool contract. Dexlab also cannot access it. This permanently locks your authority to the liquidity you provided, and cannot be reversed after execution.
A: There are no recommended values. Please refer to the tutorial
A: The basic setting(Openbook + Raydium) is to guarantee no error on the transaction. If you adjust the advanced option (Only Raydium option), there may be problems with transaction errors occurring. The Openbook market ID creation is based on Openbook Service, and Dexlab Token Factory is only supporting the user-familiar market ID creation UI. So if you want to adjust the advanced options, please ask Openbook Discord for further explanation.
A: Base token mint address = your token mint address, quote token mint address = mint address of the token that you want to make a pair with your token. Before creating a market ID, please refer to the tutorial
A: There is no answer. It is solely up to the decision of the token minter, we do not provide a fair value.