2️⃣Query Contract
Each query requires at least 1 input which is the CW721 contract address.
Number of Tokens, Contract Info, All Tokens, and Minter queries do not require additional parameters other than the CW721 contract address. Required parameters for other queries are shown below.
Owner Of: Outputs the owner of a token inside the contract
Token ID
Approval: The permissions an address has over a token.
Owner Address
Token ID
Approvals: The list of all approvals given by the owner of the token.
Token ID
All Operators: The list of addresses that have complete control over the inputted addresses NFTs. An operator is added by the Approve All method.
Owner Address
NFT Info: Contains token URI and extension information.
Token ID
All NFT Info: More comprehensive information related to the NFT such as owner address and all the approvals.
Token ID
Tokens: All the tokens an address owns.
Owner Address
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