Keplr Wallet Creation

Keplr wallet creation

Enter the Keplr wallet creation website.

Download Chrome Extension for the Keplr wallet.

Sign up for the wallet and save your mnemonic words safely.

Connect your Keplr wallet on the SuperTools website.

Get your XPLA Keplr wallet address on the Keplr extension wallet. It starts with 'xplaxxxxxxx.'

Get Testnet Tokens

Enter the XPLA Faucet website to get testnet $XPLA tokens.

Copy and paste your XPLA Keplr wallet address on the above.

Click 'Send me tokens' for the testnet.

You may see this notice in the top right corner.

Go on to the SuperTools website and change the network from mainnet to testnet.

Connect your Keplr wallet again.

Switch the network from XPLA to XPLA-TESTNET on the Keplr wallet.

You may see a 100 $XPLA token in your testnet wallet.

Last updated