
🌊 The Liquidity Pool service is now live on Dexlab

Now, you can become a liquidity provider on Dexlab by depositing assets into a pool and facilitating SWAP trades on DEXs and AMMs.


Adding Liquidity on Pool

*Note that this pool is on the devnet and used for tutorial usage.

  1. Enter the amount of Token A

  2. Token B amount will be automatically calculated

  3. Click Add liquidity

  4. Check the transaction process on the left-down corner. It may show a checkmark after transaction success


  • LP token: $mockDXL/$mockUSDP

  • Fee Tier: The percentage of the transaction goes to the pool as a transaction fee

  • $mockDXL and $mockUSDP amount: current amount in the pool

  • LP supply: LP token amount ($mockDXL/$mockUSDP)

  • Address

    • Pool ID

    • $mockDXL mint address

    • $mockUSDP mint address

    • LP token mint address

  • Current Price: Can switch pair by arrow

  • mockUSDP Price: $mockDXL per $mockUSDP amount

  • mockDXL Price: $mockUSDP per $mockDXL amount

  • TVL: Total Valued Locked. Total Liquidity Value

Withdrawing Liquidity from Pool

  1. Click Withdraw

  2. Type down the amount of LP token that you want to withdraw

  3. Check the transaction process on the left-down corner. It may show a checkmark after transaction success


  • LP Address: LP token mint address

  • Total LP supply: LP token amount ($mockDXL/$mockUSDP)

  • My LP Amount: Amount of my LP token ($mockDXL/$mockUSDP)

  • Mint A Amount: Current amount of $mockDXL in the pool

  • Mint B Amount: Current amount of $mockUSDP in the pool

  • If the withdrawal went successfully, click the refresh button and you may see the LP token details are gone

Pool Driven SWAP

  1. Type down the amount of the token you want to swap

  2. The paired token amount will automatically typed down

  3. Click SWAP and check the wallet pop-up window

  4. You may see the amount of the token differentiated after the SWAP

Creating Pool

  • Click 'Create Pool'

  1. Select the Token A and Token B for the pool you want to make

  2. Select the Fee Tier from 0.1% to 2%.

Fee Tier

  • The selected percentage from the transaction will be added to the pool as a transaction fee

  1. Type down the initial price for the token pair. I choose 1 $mockDXL = 1 $mockUSDP

  2. Type down the deposit amount of the Token A on the right. Token B amount will be automatically typed down after calculation.

  3. Click Create Pool to proceed

Permanent LP Lock

  • After adding the liquidity to the pool, you may see the 'Permanent Lock' button after refreshing the page

  • Type down the amount of LP token that you want to lock

  • Read the notice and click the checkbox to confirm

  • Click the 'Permanent Lock' button to proceed

  • After locking the LP, you may see the number changed on 'My LP Amount'

Last updated